How to make liquid soap in Nigeria (small business idea )

How to make Quality liquid soap in Nigeria 2023

One major lucrative business here in Nigeria is Liquid soap business. It may sound new to you but is correctly called liquid detergent as liquid soap should be a mixture of Oil and lye solution. All the same let us leave this differences. For another article .

For a stay at home mum , or a person looking at making some money via his /her production this article is for you.

one of the difficulties people face in making liquid soap for personal use or home use is majorly how to mix the correct quantity of ingr And where to get good quality chemicals.

Today i will teach you how to make 30 liters liquid soap using Natrosol as your thickener. Lets dive straight into what you will be needing.

Recipe for a 30 liters liquid soap productio.

Water 30 liters
Natrosol 200 grams
Caustic soda 45 grams
Soda ash 450grams
STTP 150grams
Texapon 500grams
Sls 600grams
Foam booster 1 liter
Sulphonic acid 500ml to 750ml
Fragrance 80ml
Colour q.s

Preservatives optional on the type you can use. Procedure.

  1. Measure out water needed in a basin for the production.
  2. Dissolve in Natrosol into water.
  3. Add in Caustic mixture and watch it thicken.
    • Use Half liter of water to dissolve all powdered substance seperatly . Caustic soda, Soda Ash , STPP, SlS .
  4. Add in Soda ash solution followed my STPP
  5. Add in SLS and texapon
  6. add in sulphonic acid and foam boster.
  7. Add perfume
  8. Add colour gradually cover till the next day.
  9. to watch a video about this production click this link


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